I love getting out of the house to explore on the back roads I usually remember to take a camera in addition to a smartphone along. When you are exploring you never know what you will find! Get off the Main Roads Just north of New York City in Westchester County is a favorite ride for me especially in the Fall. Get off the main roads of Interstate 287/87 and get on route 9A north and wind through the very scenic Hudson Valley. It’s especially scenic this time of year with the trees in their autumnal splendor. Maybe stop at a farm stand or pick some apples too or go antiquing. All up to you! Nestled in the heart of the Hudson River Valley near Tarrytown is a quaint town known as Sleepy Hollow. Until 1996 Sleepy Hollow was known as North Tarrytown. The whole Hudson Valley Region sits on the banks of the Hudson River and is ripe with Revolutionary War battles and history. The area was originally a Dutch settlement. This is the same town where Washington Irving’s tale “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is set. There are a number of interesting places to visit in Sleepy Hollow and surrounding